A cold front came through, right when I was too busy, stressed, and unprepared.
So I got sick, and spent Sunday and Monday mostly taking a series of naps.
I am reminded, yet again, that we need rest. We aren't meant to be mechanical machines that run at 97% efficiency, going, going, going. We're organic. We need sleep, relaxation, time with those close to us, food, and so much more.
We need healing. I had spent the past week oppressed by a difficult-to-pinpoint anxiety that was surprisingly washed away in grace as I spent time in prayer, talking with Jesus. He reminded me of this truth: I have made you new.
If a cold front comes through and knocks you off your feet, perhaps it is a blessing: stop doing so much and pretending to be a diesel engine. Rest. Be rejuvenated. Be restored.
Amidst the coughs, despite the sore throat, somewhere in the pile of tissues (yes, quite possibly!), there just might be grace.