Welcoming 2017
In three hours, it will be a new year.
Frankly, two weeks ago, I feared I was going to crawl across the finish line, just barely making it through December. I had allowed myself to be weighed down with frustrations that could have been alleviated with, perhaps, a few simple phone calls. And indeed, thanks to the generous kindness of many friends this past week, I find myself refreshed and ready for a new year. It is incredible what a listening ear, some time outside, and some prayer together can do to rejuvenate one's spirit.
2017 is coming. Let this be a chance to restart those forgotten dreams. To hit the reset button on troubled storylines. To restore hurting relationships. You have the power to change, to love, to heal, to grow.
Jesus is making all things new, and He can do so even in the darkest places of our lives. He knocks - will we open the door?
May 2017 bring you joy and healing and abundance!